Monday, March 17, 2008

Official Word: No Domain Names

Sorry Gang, I just checked through the Rootsweb help pages and discovered that the use of domain names is not allowed. Because Rootsweb is a very generous FREE host, especially in terms of unlimited space, I'm not going to get bent out of shape about it. We'll just have to put up with the extremely long and cumbersome URLs.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Family Branches Section Taking Shape

Each family now has its own section on the Forest For The Trees website! Finally, there's a sense of organization as each family has its own unique gateway. Enter through the Front Gate, or go directly to a family's opening page:

While these sections are not yet completed, you can keep checking back at a specific page containing the stuff that captures your interest.

And yes, I am contemplating a domain name. These long URLs are getting to me too...

Mahalo nui and thanks for your continued patience!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chong - Ahnee Family Pages Available

I am very happy to let you know that the Chong - Ahnee section of the website is ready for viewing! It's not quite done, but I have a feeling that all of these Branch sections won't be fully complete for a very long time... In the meantime, take a look at The Chong - Ahnee Family branch here.

Included are documents sent to me by the very nice people at the National Archives in San Bruno, CA back in 2004. Among many things, this precious packet contained passport pictures of my grandmother, Gladys (Chong) Tanigawa, at age 3, and a picture of her younger brother who died soon after the photo was taken. It also revealed the birth of another brother while the family was in China. The child, Soon Yen Chong, was left in China in the care of the mother of my great-grandfather, Fook Yee Chong.