Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mukashi, Mukashi

Mukashi, mukashi ~ a long, long time ago...

Christmas 2008 has now passed, and even though I don't make promises I know I won't be able to keep, I find myself loathing the inevitable New Years resolution time nevertheless. I feel that I should commit myself especially to getting more work done on our genealogy website, but on most days, there just isn't enough energy in reserve. So let's just say that I'll try my best to add more to the site in 2009.

Inspite of my dormancy, the website yielded contact by a number of distant relatives who, I'm very excited to report, are the most interesting, enthusiastic, and genial people! Tony Archuleta, Alton Auvil, Jon Auvil, Kenneth Auvil, Michael Auvil, Tracey Auville-Park, The Cafferty and Hurley families, Larry Franquez, Kelly LaPierre, Alan Porter, Stevanna Pratt, Steve Riggan, Kula Schumacher, Frances Seltz, Shirley Suchdolski, Elaine Weger, and anyone else I may have forgotten, to each of you, thank you so much for sharing with us!

While short on promises, I am nevertheless very hopeful for the new year even though there are so many who are having such a difficult time right now. So here's hoping that we continue to prosper and thrive in the knowing that there is comfort in finding family.

Hau'oli Makahiki e Ku'u Ohana,