Sunday, November 11, 2007

On The Auvil Front

Once again, I ask for your patience. There are several new and developing situations that require me to rethink the flow of our family website, one of which is my recent acquiring of Catherine dee Auvil's former Auvil website. Catherine and other Auvil genealogists poured their hearts into that project and shared so freely the fruits of their extensive research with people who were just beginning their searches ~ people like me. Not only would it be a shame to let this stuff just sit on my desk, but it feels like it would be a travesty if I didn't share it in the same spirit in which it was created.

Meanwhile, I've been in contact with family members of Auvil branches from which we have never heard before. These genealogists have also done an amazing amount of work. The Auvils are truly a tireless bunch!

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